Classes we offer

Your Instructor Gary Hendrickson

Classes range from basic intro to Feng Shui, Intro to 9 Star Feng Shui, Integration of Classical & Western Feng Shui, Your Inner & Outer Spaces and more. 
See the Schedule of Classes
Below is a "sampling of some of the classes I teach". Please stay tuned for new added classes.

Introduction to Feng Shui:   3.5 hours
Learn the basic principles of why feng shui works, and how this ancient science can help you to increase your effectiveness and efficiency in your work and increase your income, discover your lucky direction, find which partners would be most compatible with you, enjoy more harmony in your relations with family, friends and business associates, and improve your sleep. 

In the second half of the course you will learn to determine favorable building areas for you based on compass orientations of your home or office. Bring floor plans of your home, apartment or business to class for analysis, and know what direction the front of your home faces. This course utilizes knowledge from the East/West or 8 Mansions or Pa Chai and Black Sect schools of feng shui, integrating them together along with principles of Chi flow. The tools you learn in this course can be taken to your home or workplace and be put to immediate use increasing the quality of your life.
Jump Start Your Life (with the Feng Shui Bagua):   3.5 hours
Learn to use the feng shui technique of the Bagua in your home or office to create your own personal road map for enhancing the spiritual and material qualities of life and business. You'll be given simple but effective visualization and affirmation strategies you can use immediately to achieve a quick and powerful boost in your life by using your home or office floor plans as a touchstone! You'll develop your own set of activating symbology that trigger your own dreams!
Raise Your Frequency & Consciousness With Feng Shui:   3.0 hours

Learn to use various feng shui techniques to not only raise the frequency of your environments, but also raise your own personal frequency levels!  Learn the basic principles of why feng shui works, including the 5 types of energy we use in Feng Shui, basic chi flow, the 6 purposes of using Feng Shui, and what many of the various Feng Shui techniques or schools are used for. Uncover why there are so many discrepancies between the various schools. Discover how this ancient science can help you to get better sleep without meds, Find your calm spot for better meditations, Increase your effectiveness and efficiency in your work, Access your “Lucky Energy”, Increase your income, Enjoy more Harmony at home and in your relations with family, friends and business associates, and how you can Raise your personal frequency and consciousness continuously.

Introduction to Form School Feng Shui:   3.5 hours
The natural laws of the earth, which make up the foundation of feng shui knowledge are explored in this course. Learn about the different forms of mountains, wind and water courses, land chi, dragon lines and more. You'll discover how to recognize these patterns in nature as well as in today's urban environments, and interior spaces. Now you can position yourself in more helpful and harmonious settings to understand and enhance your own personal chi and enjoyment of life.
Introduction to 9 Star Feng Shui:   3.5 hours

One of the many Compass School techniques, 9 Star Ki is a system originated in China, popularized in Japan and used for many different purposes. Sometimes known as 9 Ki Astrology, we will explore some of the aspects used to determine where and when traveling plans would be most beneficial or harmful to each individual. We will also study how carefully planning a move can be very beneficial if the direction and timing of the move is considered beforehand to optimize your good luck for the move, or how ignoring this information could lead to a detrimental experience.

Weaving the Web Integrating Classical & Western Feng Shui:    16 hours (usually over a weekend)
(Pre-requisite "Introduction to Feng Shui")
This is a very exciting weekend intensive course that helps one to identify and shift the energy in a space, focusing on the integration of some of the main techniques or schools of feng shui that are most impactful. Techniques utilized include Form, Compass, East/West or 8 Mansions or Pa Chai, Black Sect and Flying Stars schools of feng shui along with principles of Chi flow, giving a well rounded understanding of how to apply them for full analyses. You'll learn deeper levels of feng shui dealing with how to integrate time cycles, number and the Bagua, and ceremony. Instruction on how to read the Chinese Lopan compass is included on an actual field trip case study. This course gives you the cutting edge advantage in understanding the synthesis and integration of multiple techniques and the inner workings of feng shui energy. 
Note: This class could be taught in 4 - 4 hour segments) 
Four Cornerstones of Sacred Spaces Merging Heaven & Earth in your Inner & Outer Spaces 
4 hours
This workshop explores the connectedness between building healthy and inspiring physical environments and personal and planetary spiritual growth.  The four cornerstones involve feng shui, sacred geometry, energy efficiency sustainable/regenerative building techniques, and non-toxic building materials and methods of construction.    We'll also explore our individual spiritual growth related to the flowering of humanity on our beautiful planet, and how this is so entwined with our built environment.
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